Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Plate Chargers go bathroom

I picked up some plate chargers (decorative plates usually placed under regular plates to pretty them up a bit) at Wal-Mart the day after Christmas. I got a set of 4 for $2.50. They are nothing fancy, just plastic but the creative possibilities are endless!

I chose to use them in our master bathroom as a wash rag holder and a bath-additions holder (that's the empty one right now, I gotta get some bubble bath and stuff!) .

I had originally planned to use them as a candle holder for candles of various sizes, but then I found the floating flower candle you see in the picture and the glass bowl- all at Hobby Lobby for 50% off and went that direction instead. I plan to put some decorative rock in the bottom of the glass bowl to match the gray/silver of the plates.

Do you have any creative ideas for chargers?

1 comment:

  1. Very clever adn pretty! I have the same chargers in red.


Did you buy what I suggested? Or have another great deal for me? Whatever it is- let me know!